New pipe-laying method awarded construction industry sponsorship prize

The Association of the Construction Industry, Environmental Technology and Mechanical Engineering (VDBUM) awards the PiPECrawler the 2019 sponsorship prize. At the annual main meeting in Willingen, the global innovation in underground pipelines made of polyethylene (PE) won first prize in the category “Developments from Industry”.


“We are delighted to receive recognition from our colleagues,” said Peter Schmid from the Transport and Equipment sector of the Max Bögl Group about receiving the award. The PiPECrawler is a platform-based machine for laying thermoplastic pipes that is oriented towards industrial processes. This means that he can achieve three times the previous laying speed and can also work well in difficult terrain with grades and curves. He has already been in use since September 2018 at a remarkable construction site: the Naturstromspeicher Gaildorf natural energy storage pilot project, the world’s first Water Battery that combines a wind farm with a pumped storage hydro-electric power plant. There, PiPECrawler lays the PE pressure pipe connecting the upper basins with the power station and the lower basin in the valley.


The concept of the PiPECrawler is a patented in-house development of Naturspeicher GmbH, a subsidiary of the Max Bögl corporate group.


For more information about the PiPECrawler read our press release.


Credits: Max Bögl Wind AG, Naturspeicher GmbH