Mobile Fabrication among TOP3 nominees for bauma Innovation Award 2019
Mobile Fabrication: Max Bögl Wind AG among the Top 3 nominees for the bauma Innovation Award 2019 – Hybrid Towers with German factory quality far from home: This is possible thanks to the Mobile Fabrication of Max Bögl Wind AG. The innovative concept, which makes the production of hybrid wind towers directly at the wind turbine site possible, is nominated at this year’s bauma Innovation Award in the category Construction Process/Construction Work.
The advantages of mobile manufacturing are clear: Local raw materials and labor make the Hybrid Towers local content and lead to higher cost efficiency for the project. Fewer heavy-load transports protect the infrastructure, the climate and the environment. The high quality standards for German factory manufacturing are maintained.
“Mobile fabrication allows German engineering to be practiced wherever it is needed. The expansion of renewable energy requires innovative and courageous ideas. We are delighted to have been nominated for the bauma Innovation Award and that the achievement of our employees has been recognized,” says Josef Knitl, Board Member of Max Bögl Wind AG. The award ceremony will take place on April 7, 2019 as part of the opening of bauma in Munich.
Photocredit: Max Bögl Wind AG