New Look for Max Bögl Wind AG
New Corporate Design – To modify our products according to the needs of the international market, the division “Wind” will be transformed in the near future: A new Corporate Design should significantly promote the internationalization of the Max Bögl Wind AG.
The redesigned layout will be seen at all levels: Besides our new website, there will be redesigned brochures and business cards as well as a new logo, which combines the “red” of the Max Bögl Group with a green tone as a symbol for renewable energies. “We have a clear vision of our next steps to be long-term successful on the international market – and are always conscious of our roots at the same time”, says Jürgen Joos, CFO of the Max Bögl Wind AG.
With the proven Hybrid Tower System, the Water Battery “Gaildorf” and the max.power GmbH as a regional provider of green electricity, the Max Bögl Wind AG is known for much more than only for the production and construction of wind turbines. The broad range of services of the Max Bögl daughter has been steadily developing over the years and proven its worth on the national markets.
Photocredits: Max Bögl Wind AG, Reinhard Mederer